Sunday November 15th the parents of Cody's good friend Brandon came over to talk to Joe and I. They told us that one of the boys friends, Cody Reetz was missing and wanted to know if our Cody had heard from him at all. It had been rumored that the stepdad had killed him, but we all remained calm and worked with the police to make phone calls to friends and try to and see if anyone had heard from him. Cody Reetz did call our Cody that morning, but he missed his call. He tried to call him back several times that day but could not get a hold of his friend. We were in contact with the other parents back and forth to see if there was any news, but unfortunately all we could do was pray and sit and wait. None of us got a good night of sleep Sunday night. We all said many prayers hoping that Cody Reetz would be found safe and that the rumor would not be true.
On Monday morning the Grafton police confirmed when we called to follow up that Cody Reetz had been murdered that Sunday night. Most of you have seen this in the news and have watched as this awful story had unfolded. Cody wanted to go to school on Monday, but we had to pick him up for a doctor appt. for later that morning. When Joe and I got there, we walked into a scene that no parent ever wants to see at their childs school. The school office was filled with crying students, grief counselors, and police. Grief counselors were taking students one at a time into the library while other students were on the phone asking thier parents to come and get them. Cody was quiet, not saying much or showing much. While he went to his locker to get his coat, Joe checked him out for the appointment and I just began to cry and went out to wait in the jeep. When we dropped him off after the appointment, Cody went to see a grief counselor and did not go back to class the rest of the afternoon. On Tuesday, Cody had a breakdown and he stayed home from school that day. His friend Brandon who was also having a tough day stayed home, so the boys got together and made a big poster in Cody Reetz's honor and it distracted them for a little while. We cannot say enough how wonderful Principal Greg Kabara has been and what a great job he did in handling such a horrible event. The school has been doing everything they can to see that the students get through this the best they can.
I won't go into specifics about the event. If you have not heard this story by now, you can find it on jsonline or on any of the news stations web sites. Cody Reetz was a very kind, very respectful and very fun kid. He was one of the boys that I described in an earlier post who was sitting at my kitchen table sucking down the mt dews and inhaling food. These boys had become very close playing xbox, skateboarding, having sleepovers, tech decking and playing football. Cody Reetz had a smile that made you want to just grab his cheeks and tell him what cute little dimples he had. Our Cody felt that he was the nicest friend he had and the nicest kid at school. The Reetz family is and has been in our prayers and we can only hope that they can some how find some peace and comfort in this very difficult time.
Slowly, Cody is realizing that Cody Reetz is not just "out sick", but that he will not be coming back to school, calling any more to hang out or be able to have anymore sleepovers. All of Cody Reetz's friends and the parents have been devistated by his murder and the entire week has been so sad and so difficult.
We attended the funeral services and burial on Friday, November 20th and it was very difficult to get through. Cody smiled when he saw that the poster that him and his friend Brandon made was displayed at the funeral. Cody placed a little tech deck skate board that the boys would play around with in the casket with his friend as did other friends. Later in the evening the town of Grafton had a silent walk and a candle light vigil in honor of Cody Reetz and his family. It was absolutely one of the most sad, but beautiful things that we could have been a part of. The boys were all interviewed by every news station, it was strange as a parent to see Cody with the bright lights of the cameras in his face and knowing that he was having to describe the memories he had of a good friend that is dead. These kids are so young and it is just awful for the family, but also for these young kids to experience the murder of a young friend. The boys had all gotten together at our house before the walk and made t shirts to honor their friend. Some of them wore buttons that had Cody Reetz's picture on it. Cody Reetz had left his blue adidas jacket by our house after a sleepover, when our Cody told his mom that he had it she told our Cody to go ahead and keep it. Cody wore it with his button on it to the walk & vigil. It really meant a lot to him to be able to keep the jacket.
After the interviews the parents of Cody Reetz along with his brothers and sisters lead the way through a lighted trail and started the silent walk. Once at the park, candles were handed out and a choir sang. At six o'clock the bells from St. Josephs church rang and that began the vigil. The lighting of the candles began with Cody Reetz's mother and spread around while family and friends lit bag candles that were placed on the ground and spelled out "Cody". There were special speakers that read poems, our Cody and other friends spoke about what a great friend Cody Reetz was. The choir sang a beautiful version of "Amazing Grace" and then the vigil ended with a balloon release, and the balloons twinkled, so you could see the cluster of twinkling lights go on for so long.
Cody was on channel 4's 10 o'clock news and he did such a good job. It was really hard for him and he said it was really hard not to cry while speaking on camera. He said that when he spoke at the vigil he started to cry so he handed the microphone to another friend to speak.
Attached is the link for the news clip, and I'm not sure if it will work. If it doesn't work then you can get to it on and click on the Cody Reetz vigil to view it.
Thank you to those who have prayed for Cody Reetz and his family and who have said prayers and sent condolensces to our Cody. Every time we hear the bells ring at St. Josephs church we will think of Cody Reetz who's life was ended way too soon and we will all miss him.
God Bless!