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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Race for a Cure

This past Sunday, September 26, 2010 we walked in the Susan G. Komen race for a cure. "D's Tumornaters" team members were: me, Joe, Cody, Cailyn, Bill, Nadine, Maggie, Conner, Dan, and Beth. My BFF's Krissy and Tammy walked with us also and Delaney went along in her stroller that we decked out for the occasion. It was sunny but cool. There were over 16,000 people there, it was crazy. I do want to thank my team for participating and the family and friends who made donations for the cause. It is truly wonderful to see how many people came together for this. It is sad to see the shirts that read "in memory of", but it is inspiring to see all of the survivors. I am proud to be one and proud to have taken part.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Delaney is 3 Months old

3 months old! Whoo hoo!
Delaney is getting so big so fast! She's just about rolling over, she hasn't quite figured out how to get her arm that she rolls on out from under her to get all the way over. So she rolls almost all the way, gets stuck and just stays on her side. She is scootin' all over her crib! When she wakes up in the morning, she plays for a while in her crib before making any noise to come out. She scoots around with her feet using her heals to move herself around. We had her ears pierced, and I cried before she did!! But she was great, yes she did cry, but not much and was smiling about 10 minutes later! She loves when I read to her. Everyday we read the book from my parents called "How do I love You?" and her eyes are glued to the pages. She kicks her legs and flaps her arms around while I read. She is making all kinds of noises, blowing spit bubbles, and making weird noises by rolling her tongue. Her head is getting more steady, but she still doesn't have full strength in her neck yet. She likes to put her fist in her mouth and suck on it. Sometimes she just sucks on her fingers, but she's starting to drool like crazy. She's been sleeping through the night for a while now, and usually takes great naps during the day. She doesn't do well when she gets thrown off her schedule though. We've found a couple of her tickle spots and she has the cutest giggle when she's tickled. It is so great to see what a happy & smiley baby she is!

Plymouth Rock Campground

Labor day weekend...brrrrr!!! We went camping at Plymouth Rock camp ground with my brother and his family. We arrived Friday afternoon and left early Monday morning. The weather was chilly willy, but we did get one day that was warm enough for some swimming. The sun was really warm, but there was a cold breeze that kept us in sweatshirts & blankets for most of the weekend. Sunday night we had some rain, but Monday morning it was more of a down pour, so we decided to pack up and come home. Cody and his cousins, Jason & Josh were busy playing basketball, football, going to the game room, and checking out the chicks! Kayla, Courtney, & AJ had fun doing arts & crafts, egg baseball, face painting, and candybar bingo. They had a live band on Saturday night that was really good, we were all dancing and singing! Then on Sunday night they had a DJ, so there was more dancing & singing! Tony took 4th place in the horse shoe tournament and Joey became quite the fire starter. Delaney had a rough time this trip taking naps which made for a crabby baby once in a while, but for the most part, she did great. She sleeps through the night in the camper no problem. We had a really good time, lots of food, and Tony and I had a trip down memory lane since this is one of the places that we came as kids, and that our parents were seasonals at for a while. We may squeek one more trip in this year yet, otherwise we'll be putting the camper in storage and start planning our trips for next year. We are just loving this and can't wait to go more!