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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cedarburg Triathlon

I am officially a triathlete!! Saturday July 23rd I finished my first triathlon in 1:34:21. Not too shabby for a first timer!! The 3rd place winner in my heat finished in about 1:29 something (just about 5 min ahead of me), so I had a pretty average time (there were about 12 people per heat). All I know is that not only did I finish, but I didn't finish last! After swimming and biking I was worried that my legs would be jello and not want to run, or I'd collapse on the side of the road & need Joe to start an IV to give me fluids, but somehow I kept going!! It was a proud moment during the awards ceremony to be recognized as one of the three cancer survivors to finish the race!

Florida Vacation

In June we flew to Florida for a much needed family vacation. The perks of going to Florida are that we get to see my parents, grandparents, and my sudo parents papa Joe & MamaLu. The weather was so wonderful so we of course spent most of our time in the pool. Cody was loving that Papa let him drive the golf cart and every evening we all sat outside with some of my parents friends and played the card game "golf."Cody loves that game!
Delaney made herself right at home and her and Buddy had a great time playing together. She enjoyed floating around the pool in her little bumble bee floatie. Papa made us some beer can chicken, we walked over to the shell factory for some fun, Cody, Joe, & Papa went to the golf range and we all went out to eat a couple of times with friends & family. We were able to see Auntie Debbie at the end of her trip there before she headed back to WI. We had a great visit with my Grandma and Grandpa Courtney and they got to meet Delaney for the first time and it was precious. Grandpa still has a "healthy" appetite and Grandma was as spunky as ever. I cherish the visit and made sure to take pictures of all the generations that were there together.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Father's Day, 2011

Every morning I wake up and see the mot handsome many lying next to me. You are the one that I cherish and love, my heaven sent blessing. I love you faithfully and promise to do everything that I can for you. I am grateful for the two children we have, you are a wonderful husband and father.
Happy Father’s Day!
Love you!!

You may have thought I didn't see, or that I wasn’t listening to the life lessons that you taught me, but I got every word. Without you Dad, I wouldn’t be the woman that I am today. You built a strong foundation; I’ve grown up with your values and am glad I did. Here’s to you Dad!!
Love your forever grateful kid!!
Opa & Grandpa C,
You brighten up my life with memories. You are someone I can count on any time I have needed a helping hand. I am very thankful to have Grandpa’s like you, there is no one else who could ever fill your shoes.

My Godfather (Uncle Bill), my second Dad Papa Joe Z., and all of you Dad’s, Happy Fathers Day!!
Love to all!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Delaney's 1st Birthday

Yeah...Delaney had her first birthday, and what fun we had celebrating with family and friends!! There was a pinata for the older kids, funny thing was Uncle John hovering over the area to get himself a little treat too!! Delaney was not into eating her cake at all. She had more fun smooshing her hands into it and then tossing it on the ground, oh well...she still made a good mess of herself. It was really cute to see the older girls and Delaney together, each of them had to pick her up and carry her around & Delaney was loving the attention! The other highlight for Delaney was the balloons, she loved them! She got a ton of clothes which she desperately needed, and some really fun toys too! The weather was great and it was a lot of fun, needless to say, she slept great that night & mom and dad did too!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cody's 15th Birthday

My little man turned 15 on May 23rd. Having Delaney around really reminds me of when Cody was her age, but is also a huge reality check in that the years go by so fast and they grow up so quick. He finished up with lacrosse for the season. He is finishing up with exams this week and then will officially be a sophmore! I feel like I was just sitting at his 8th grade graduation....geez! He finished up the year strong and all he keeps talking about it drivers ed!He is really looking forward to summer and is always on the go with his buddies.

It is strange, as he gets older he doesn't want us to really do anything for his birthday, but we still made him his favorite dinner and got him his favorite snickers ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Uncle Tony, Aunt Genell, and the kids came over to wish him a happy birthday too! It was a year of many changes for him, and we are very proud of him!