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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Time to say goodbye

The past week and a half went by so quickly. Just 13 days ago Delaney was still in my belly and now she's already 2 weeks old. My parents got here from Florida the day before she was born and already it is time to say goodbye to them again. We are just so happy that they were able to be here for the birth of our daughter, their newest grandchild to make 9 now total. Having my parents here makes me very happy, it reminds me of many wonderful memories growing up and doing family things together. So often we take things for granted, but when you no longer get to spend Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner with your parents, you realize just how important and precious those times are. This makes their trips to Milwaukee/Grafton that much more special. I could not have asked for more than to have them here for the birth of Delaney and to see Cody graduate. My parents happiness is the most important thing which is why although I miss them terribly, I know that they love living in Florida and just because they love living there, it does not mean that their hearts are not still in Milwaukee with their children and grandchildren. So as sad as it is, we had to say goodbye until the next visit. We will anxiously await the next time that we will get to see them.
Mom, Dad....you are wonderful parents who have always been very supportive and giving. I can speak for myself when I say that at times I really gave you guys a run for your money and made you wonder what you did wrong. It was never what you did wrong, only what I needed to learn on my own and was able to get through it because of what you did right. I am very proud to have you as parents and know that not everyone is so lucky. I feel very blessed that Cody has had you as Grandparents, and now Delaney is blessed with you too. Thank you for all that you did for us during your stay and thank you for being here for such a very important time for my family.
We miss you & love you,
Joe, Neasy, Cody & Delaney

After baby baby shower

Yes, Delaney was born on the 4th, but Joe's Aunt Loretta wanted to do something for us for from his family, so she held a baby shower for us on the 13th and since Delaney was able to be there, family got to meet her and our guests gave us a ton, and I mean a ton of clothes to help us out now that we know it is a girl. Aunt Linda Rebro (Uncle Mike) was there and Brenda Rebro who was not able to make it went in on a gift with her. Aunt Jane Rebro (Uncle Larry) was also not able to make it, but since she was at Cody's graduation party the day before, she gave us a gift for Delaney/the shower then. Eleanor Benvenuto, Donna Benvenuto, and Aunt Joyce Rebro (Uncle Milt) were also not able to make it, but were kind enough to send gifts for us. From the other side of the family we had Cousin Diane, Ashley, Theresa, and Chris. Aunt Rosie was able to be there and we got a great picture of her holding Delaney. Aunt Loretta worked really hard to try and give us a special day with the help of cousin Theresa they made up a ton of magnets, pictures and frames for us and the guests. The cake was really cute and as usual was Joe's favorite part of the party. I cannot tell you how many clothes, baby items, and shoes we got and I am amazed at the generosity of everyone who came. It was a wonderful day and we are just so thankful to Aunt Loretta who is like a mother to us and is always there for us the way that family should be.
Thank you to Aunt Loretta, Theresa and the guests that were there for us or that still gave a gift even if they couldn't be there. We really appreciate everyone's kindness. It was a wonderful shower and we had a wonderful time with everyone.

Cody Graduates

Well, what can I say? My baby boy is no longer a baby and nothing made me realize that more than when I saw Cody hold Delaney for the first time. Cody is growing up to be a fine young man and he has now graduated from John Long Middle School (8th grade). The school had a ceremony on June 10th and it was great to have my parents there for it as well as my Godmother, Auntie Debbie & my Uncle John. They had a huge 8th grade class and the ceremony was really nice. If you remember, Cody's friend Cody Reetz was murdered back in November, the school gave an honorary diploma to the Reetz family and the class pitched in with the help of many others to donate a skate board bench that will go in the Cody Reetz skate park in the future. Cody will be a freshman at Grafton High School next year. We had a party for Cody to celebrate this milestone for him on the 12th. The weather was not what they had said it would be and was pretty cold, but depsite the weather, friends and family came out to be there for him. It really meant a lot to us so we are very thankful to those who shared in his special occasion. Some of Cody's friends came and they were all off playing basketball while the adults tried to stay warm under the shelter eating all the good food and the chocolate chip graduation cake.
Thank you for being there for Cody!

More pictures

It's a girl

With joyous hearts we introduce Delaney Denyse Rebro, born on Friday June 4th at 5:40a.m. She was 6lbs. 9oz. and 19 1/2 inches long.

I began having contractions on Tuesday June 1st and I was dialated to 1cm. My contractions continued thru Wed. June 2nd and Thurs. June 3rd, but they stayed a half hour apart. Thurs. afternoon Joe and I went to the airport to pick up my parents who flew in from Florida. Later we had get together with my parents and my brothers family. My contractions continued and that evening at 8pm we went in to St. Joe's in Milwaukee. They began to soften my cervix and I remained dialated at 1cm for the full 4 hours that I had to wait for my cervix to soften. It was around 1a.m. June 4th when they began to give me the pitocin and for 2 more hours I stayed at 1cm. Finally at 3a.m. I went to 2cm and had them give me the epidural. The nurse had to turn off the pitocin for a while because I was contracting too much. A little bit later they started it up again. My contractions were lasting 2 minutes long and I was getting about 20 seconds in between them. The resident said that given the progress I would probably deliver around noon on Friday. They checked me again at 5:20a.m. and I was now at 4cm, so they said that I might deliver at 8a.m. instead of noon. About 5 minutes later I told Joe that I wasn't pushing, but I could feel the baby coming out during the contractions. The resident and nurses rushed in and the resident checked me again to find out that I was fully dialated and the baby was in the birth canal. They tried to get me to wait until the Dr. arrived because she was on her way in since they had paged her previously to come. The baby's heart tones were dropping from 150's to the 40's and the deep breathing was no longer helping so the resident had me start pushing. My Dr. arrived after the first 3 pushes. The baby got stuck under my pelvic bone, but they were able to guide the baby past it with their hand. 10 pushes later we had ourselves a beautiful little girl. In 20 minutes I went from 4cm to giving birth as Delaney was born at 5:40a.m. so needless to say those 20 minutes were pretty intense. Ironically, I got her out in 10 pushes which is exactly what it took to get Cody out 14 years ago. Joe got to cut the embilical cord, and they laid her on my stomach to hold while they wiped her up a little. She needed some oxygen so they took her and did what they needed to do to get her going. My parents were called at 5:20 when I was dialated to 4cm and they came with Cody missing the actual birth by 10 minutes. But they got to come in right away to the birthing room and see her and us and get pictures. A little while later they transfered us to a different room where no matter how hard I tried I could not get sleep. I was just so excited and couldn't stop staring at Delaney. I ended up being awake for about 48 hours. I felt great other than my eyes being on fire from no sleep. The epidural wore off and I was up and walking a few hours later. The cramping that kicked in later was unbearable and was the worst part of all of it. Nothing that a little percocet and ibuprofen wouldn't take care of. I finally fell asleep at 11pm Friday night.

We were discharged home Saturday evening. Cody is just loving her! He holds her before & after school and before he goes to bed. He feeds her and took a couple of pictures in to school to show her off to his friends. Joe is also doing great, much better than he gives himself credit for. Sure he's a little akward with some things, but this is all new to him and he's doing wonderful. He does have a bit of anxiety though! I finally got him to stop standing over her crib while she sleeps holding out the pacifier just waiting for her to wake up. As the days go by he is getting more relaxed and comfortable as well as Cody. The dogs are just awesome around her. Lola sleeps in her room with her at night and Harley, Miles and Lola follow me around when she cries and lay on the floor in her room when I'm in there with her. They are not jumping up at her and like to lay by me while I feed her.

As a family we just could not be happier. We have been so blessed and we are all so grateful to experience this miracle.

Love to all,
Joe, Denyse, Cody & Delaney