The past week and a half went by so quickly. Just 13 days ago Delaney was still in my belly and now she's already 2 weeks old. My parents got here from Florida the day before she was born and already it is time to say goodbye to them again. We are just so happy that they were able to be here for the birth of our daughter, their newest grandchild to make 9 now total. Having my parents here makes me very happy, it reminds me of many wonderful memories growing up and doing family things together. So often we take things for granted, but when you no longer get to spend Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner with your parents, you realize just how important and precious those times are. This makes their trips to Milwaukee/Grafton that much more special. I could not have asked for more than to have them here for the birth of Delaney and to see Cody graduate. My parents happiness is the most important thing which is why although I miss them terribly, I know that they love living in Florida and just because they love living there, it does not mean that their hearts are not still in Milwaukee with their children and grandchildren. So as sad as it is, we had to say goodbye until the next visit. We will anxiously await the next time that we will get to see them.
Mom, are wonderful parents who have always been very supportive and giving. I can speak for myself when I say that at times I really gave you guys a run for your money and made you wonder what you did wrong. It was never what you did wrong, only what I needed to learn on my own and was able to get through it because of what you did right. I am very proud to have you as parents and know that not everyone is so lucky. I feel very blessed that Cody has had you as Grandparents, and now Delaney is blessed with you too. Thank you for all that you did for us during your stay and thank you for being here for such a very important time for my family.
We miss you & love you,
Joe, Neasy, Cody & Delaney