Well, what can I say? My baby boy is no longer a baby and nothing made me realize that more than when I saw Cody hold Delaney for the first time. Cody is growing up to be a fine young man and he has now graduated from John Long Middle School (8th grade). The school had a ceremony on June 10th and it was great to have my parents there for it as well as my Godmother, Auntie Debbie & my Uncle John. They had a huge 8th grade class and the ceremony was really nice. If you remember, Cody's friend Cody Reetz was murdered back in November, the school gave an honorary diploma to the Reetz family and the class pitched in with the help of many others to donate a skate board bench that will go in the Cody Reetz skate park in the future. Cody will be a freshman at Grafton High School next year. We had a party for Cody to celebrate this milestone for him on the 12th. The weather was not what they had said it would be and was pretty cold, but depsite the weather, friends and family came out to be there for him. It really meant a lot to us so we are very thankful to those who shared in his special occasion. Some of Cody's friends came and they were all off playing basketball while the adults tried to stay warm under the shelter eating all the good food and the chocolate chip graduation cake.
Thank you for being there for Cody!
Congratulations to Cody! I LOVE the picture of Cody holding Delaney! He looks like he already is such a wonderful big brother and I'm sure he always will be!