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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Delaney is 4 months

Everyday we are noticing new things with DD. At four months old now she is certainly becoming a little character already! I don't know how it happened since Papa, my dad lives in Florida, but somehow she has his shit eatin' grin???!!! Weird...she burps like him sometimes too, and for those of you who know my dad's burps, it's a pretty big accomplishment, so coodo's to DD for tackling that one. She likes to have bare feet, not a huge fan of socks or shoes, but don't worry, I'll get her liking shoes before you know it, and then daddy will be soooo happy! Her hair is starting to fill in since she lost about everything she was born with, but it is coming in dark brown and her eyes have changed to brown. She enjoys her swing and her play mat, and it seems like she can't get enough fingers in her mouth at once to suck on. She is starting to teethe already, I thought it might be a little early, but she's has the flush cheeks, low grade temp, and bumpy gums. Her sleep patterns have been all over the place and was super crabby while she was awake, until we started giving her some infant drops. She's not napping like she used to, but she's not crabby when she's awake anymore. Actually she's pretty silly and loves to play and laugh. She can't get enough attention and can go pretty wild with excitement when we play with her. She really likes to look in the mirror, just loves sesame street, and loves music. She still likes when I read to her and is really focused on the pages. She's a handful some days and it is hard to do school work, but boy is she fun and I wouldn't miss this time with her for the world!!

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