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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cody's 15th Birthday

My little man turned 15 on May 23rd. Having Delaney around really reminds me of when Cody was her age, but is also a huge reality check in that the years go by so fast and they grow up so quick. He finished up with lacrosse for the season. He is finishing up with exams this week and then will officially be a sophmore! I feel like I was just sitting at his 8th grade graduation....geez! He finished up the year strong and all he keeps talking about it drivers ed!He is really looking forward to summer and is always on the go with his buddies.

It is strange, as he gets older he doesn't want us to really do anything for his birthday, but we still made him his favorite dinner and got him his favorite snickers ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Uncle Tony, Aunt Genell, and the kids came over to wish him a happy birthday too! It was a year of many changes for him, and we are very proud of him!

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