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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thanksgiving 2009

After a sad start to the month of November, we ended it quite well. We had a great Thanksgiving this year. We cooked dinner at our house and my brother Tony & Family came over for dinner and football. Later after our food settled a bit we all went outside for a friendly little game of football! It was pretty chilly out there, but we all bundled up and played a great game. It was tied 21 to 21 and that is where we had to end it, which was good so the kids were all happy knowing nobody lost. Hopefully we can make that an annual event. After the game we all came inside to warm up and have some dessert. The kids had so much fun running around playing hide & seek. The older boys were busy playing video games. When all was said and done, we have to say that this was one of the most fun and memorable Thanksgivings in a very long time. We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving too!

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