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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Race for a Cure

This past Sunday, September 26, 2010 we walked in the Susan G. Komen race for a cure. "D's Tumornaters" team members were: me, Joe, Cody, Cailyn, Bill, Nadine, Maggie, Conner, Dan, and Beth. My BFF's Krissy and Tammy walked with us also and Delaney went along in her stroller that we decked out for the occasion. It was sunny but cool. There were over 16,000 people there, it was crazy. I do want to thank my team for participating and the family and friends who made donations for the cause. It is truly wonderful to see how many people came together for this. It is sad to see the shirts that read "in memory of", but it is inspiring to see all of the survivors. I am proud to be one and proud to have taken part.

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