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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cody's 13th Birthday!

Cody also had a birthday on May 23rd! 13 YEARS OLD! Oh my, we have a teenager in the house. The funny thing about that day is that when Joe & I looked in the mirror, Joe had a lot of gray hair, and I suddenly noticed all the wrinkles around my eyes!! What on earth is that about? I have to say Cody is a pretty darn good kid! He is finishing the 7th grade at St. Roman's and had maintained honor roll all year. He is now in soccer season, and is finally done with the very long basketball season. My younger brother Tony turned 32 on May 13th and so we had a get together with his family to celebrate both Tony & Cody's bday's. Cody also celebrated with some friends who had a great time keeping Joe & I up all night. He is really looking forward to his bday present from us, he is going to a weekend basketball camp at Whitewater University. I just cannot believe what a little man he is turning into, we are very proud of him and ready to embrace this new adventure of teenage years!


  1. Serioulsy! Holy moly where does the time go?????

  2. Enjoy the teen years...crazy fun!
    Such a handsome dude hey?
    Gma & Papa
